Doll Cradle to Make from Baskets (1920’s)

doll_cradle_from_basketsThis is an adorable doll cradle which is easy to assemble from common household objects.

What you will need:

2 baskets (1 for the bed part, 1 for the hood part)

2 wooden coat hangers (hooks removed)


clothe to line cradle

Now, to make the cradle:

  • Remove the handles from both baskets (if any).
  • Attach one of the baskets to the coat hangers using nails or screws to form the rocker
  • Cut the other basket so it will fit upright on one end of the cradle/bed portion of the rocker (see picture), forming the hood.
  • Attach the hood to the cradle using fasteners
  • Paint the cradle in whichever color you desire
  • Decorate or embellish the outside with pink or blue paint, ribbons or whatever you choose.
  • Line the inside of the cradle with clothe using hot glue, craft glue or spray adhesive.

You may also choose to make bedding for the cradle from extra fabric.

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2 responses to “Doll Cradle to Make from Baskets (1920’s)
  1. Very interesting site you have here. Seeing all these ideas for making things makes my hands itch to get busy crafting.

  2. Thanks Karen – I’m glad you like the site.

    It is tough for me to stay focused on finding neat things to post here and not get distracted by attempting to make all the items.

    What types of crafts do you enjoy doing the most?

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