Halloween Crepe Paper Costume
Materials Needed (adult size):
1 Fold No. 309 Decorated Crepe Paper
1 Fold No. 65 Orange Crepe Paper
1 Piece No. 78 Wire
5 No. H 104 Cat Head Cut-outs
1 Piece No.4 Gummed Tape
This is a very simple costume and one that may be assembled in a very few minutes. It is just a straight strip of Decorated Crepe cut in points at the bottom, decorated with cats heads and ruff around the neck. The colors and symbols of any holiday may be substituted as occasion deĀmands.
Before making the Halloween Themed Costume you may want to read the Basic Instructions for Making Crepe Paper Costumes and How To Make Slip-Over Costumes
This Costume and MANY others are found in the book: How to Make Crepe Paper Costumes