Hot Dish Mats(1945’s)


To get the full plans and directions for building these Hot Dish Mats  CLICK HERE

MANY a high finish on a dining room table has been ruined by hot dishes. The appearance of cloudy white spots is a fairly certain sign that adequate protection of the finish has been neglected. To prevent further discoloration of valued tables the craftsman should provide hot dish mats made of materials that are poor conductors of heat. Two such materials that are practical for hot dish mats are celotex and masonite. They are good insulating materials and are firm enough to withstand prolonged use.

For complete protection it is advisable to make several mats varying in size and shape to match the dishes. Circular mats are practical for round dishes; oval-shaped mats are more useful for platters. The material used for the mats may be of any thickness from 1/4″ to 1/2″. Oval mats will require stock 6″ wide and 9″ long, while circular mats can be made of stock 6″ square. The desired shape, either oval or circular, is laid out on the stock, but is not cut out until the scalloped edge has been laid out. To do this it will be necessary to divide the circumference into a number of equal parts. It will be found far easier to mark off one quarter section at a time rather than attempt to work the entire circumference as a single unit. The divisions are marked with a pair of dividers.

Without impairing the value of a plate mat an attractive design can be pierced in the center area. For the illustrated mat a pineapple design was chosen because it is the symbol of hospitality. The pierced pineapple design will require the laying out of a fullsize pattern. The use of graph squares will simplify the work of reproducing a full-size design from the accompanying drawing. The completed outline is transferred to the stock.

The work of cutting the mat to shape should be done on a jigsaw equipped with a fine-toothed blade to eliminate the need of excessive filing or sandpapering to finish the edges. The pierced design will require the boring of a small hole somewhere with in the area that is to be removed in order to pass the jigsaw blade.

Completed mats may be left natural, but if some sort of protective coat is desired, an application of heat-resistant varnish may be given. This type of  varnish is made with a bakelite base and can be obtained at paint stores.

To get the full plans and directions for building these Hot Dish Mats  CLICK HERE

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