To many of those, Halloween was a community based celebrated holiday where everybody contributes their own effort in order to make Halloween happen. One of those contributions was making our own Halloween costumes. Costumes back then were less extravagant and showy and more on creativity, there were less Halloween costume choices so the adults and children must try hard to make their costumes stand out. Halloween masks were also very popular due to its ease of design, make and use.
Fast forward to the twenty first century, the traditions have changed yet again. Where Halloween has loss in terms of community involvement, it has gained in market appeal and publicity. Due to mass media and greater consumer wealth, Halloween costumes have become complicated and sometimes very extravagant. The choices for Halloween costumes have grown exponentially, with all the TV’s, movies, Pop culture figures and stories, choosing a Halloween costume has never been harder.
Kids Halloween costumes now are immaculately detailed like never before, if you have ever seen a trick or treater in a Star Wars costumes, or Pirate costumes; not only are they detailed, but are accurate down to every detail from eye patch to the clone trooper armor. Home made costumes although still present, are not as popular as before. Although with the passing of time, materials both common and exotic have become less pricey- resulting in some very spectacular homemade costumes that were not previously possible.
Halloween has also gotten very popular with adults in the modern era, in return adult Halloween costumes has been popular as well. Halloween as an industry has grown almost thirty percent in the past ten years- most of which were propelled by the demand of Halloween costumes and items by adults. Unlike kids Halloween costumes, Adult Halloween costumes revolves around a more mature theme, less on fantasy, movies or characters and more on costumes that are showy and sexy. As a result of this change, sexy costumes for have been the number one choice of adult Halloween costume for the past few years.