Make an Evergreen Spray

Make an Evergreen Spray

In addition to the regular wreaths, there are many other ways of decorating  front door so that it will say “Merry Christmas” for you.  Such decorations are quite colorful, and should be large enough to be enjoyed by passersby as well as visitors.

Sprays are very useful, and even easier to make than wreaths, since they use a large, flat piece of greenery as a base.

One of the simplest sprays depends on contrasting use of evergreens for its attractiveness. The base is a large branch of white cedar. A slightly smaller group­ing of spruce, or fir, is then added. Sprays of white or Scotch pine are then wired to the fir, and the whole topped with cones and a ribbon. Of course, any decoration -formal or humorous- may be added.Wreath Spray for Door

Sprays can also be wired to a cover hanger, as shown In Fig. 16, and any of the trimming mentioned in the section on wreath decorating adapted for use here. Oilcloth-wrapped gift boxes, bells, children’s toys all are equally effective used on a spray.  The coat hanger itself can be bent into any attractive modern­istic shape.
Christmas door decoration
In addition to these ideas, you may want to suspend small bells from ribbons of varying length5 (Fig. 17). Or you might “gift wrap” your whole door (Fig. 18). Use wide crossed strips of oilcloth, centered with a large red bow, a plain spray, and “gift tag” bearing your greetings. Fastening a painted and dec0­rated wooden cheese box – filled with evergreen sprays and ornaments- to the ribbon will give an unusual trimming.

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