Scarecrow Costume to Make

Scarcrow CostumeMaterial (4-8 yr.) – Verybest Crepe,

  • 2 folds No. 147 Orange,
  • 1 fold each No. 142 Canary,
  • No. 183 Sand,
  • No. 188 Brown,
  • No. 139 GrassGreen;
  • 2 1/2 yds. 1/2″ yellow ribbon,
  • snap fasteners.

Do you need Crepe Paper and other craft items to create your Halloween Costume?
97 cents per fold and less! CLICK HERE

Using 2 yds. for fullness, make a gathered skirt of orange with 5″ deep fringe at bottom. Stitch a 5″ deep fringe of yellow, sand and brown under the orange, Fig. C. Make a plain fitted waist of double thickness of orange*. Bind around neck and armholes with a 2″ wide strip of orange folded like bias tape to 1/2″. Stitch skirt to waist.

Make a green bolero jacket of a double thickness, Fig. D. Bind edges with green. Gather and sew a soft fringe* of the 5 colors about 10″ deep across the tops of the armholes. When cutting fringe, fold so that there will be a heading at both ends uncut, Fig. E. Stitch a 3″ deep stiff fringe at bottom, Fig. F.  Add ribbons to tie.

Make a neck ruff of the 5 colors cut 6″ wide, 1 yd. long, fringed from both edges to within I” of center. Gather to 8″ length and stitch to ribbon long enough to tie around neck, Fig. G.


For the hat, fold a 20″ wide piece of yellow crepe paper 22″ long (or correct head size) through the middle across the grain. Seam short ends. Gather open edges (see page 23). Cut fringe and pull through slits in hat. Stretch lower edge to make brim roll up slightly.

* detailed instructions for these processes can be found on pages 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 of

45 Easy to Make Costumes and Accessories of Crepe Paper

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