Topiary Christmas Tree

Topiary Christmas TreeWhy not create a smart gem of a tree based on the topiary art of orna­mental gardening where trees are trimmed into fancy shapes of a highly stylized design?

Place a dowel stick 3/4″ thick x 40″ long in a small tub of sand. Sink to a depth of 5″. Paint tub and stick chartreuse green.

Cut three sets of circles from 1″ chicken wire: two 12″ in diameter; two 9″ in diameter; and two 6″ in diameter. Place a 2″ layer of
sphagnum moss between the two pieces of each set of circles. Bind together with wire; moisten the moss in order to keep the greens fresh when inserted.

Place these circles at regular intervals on the dowel stick following the drawing. Wire fast.

Make 4″ cuttings of anyone of these evergreens: yew, arborvitae, cedar or boxwood. Cut the stem ends on a sharp slant and insert in the moss.

Decorate with chartreuse balls of graduated sizes and chains of small chartreuse beads. Group the balls in clusters and drape the chains gracefully to suggest a continuation of the looping from one section of the tree to the other.

Fashion stylized birds from Radiance. Place one on the top and others on the surface of the tree. Remember that simplicity and clean­ cut design are of the utmost importance.

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