What To Do With A Christmas Tree

WASHINGTON - DECEMBER 03:  The official White ...

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For centuries Twelfth Night has been the traditional time for taking down holiday decorations and burning them amid revelry and merrymaking. It is a custom we should adopt, for all too often the discarded trappings of Christmas send a shudder down our spine as we see them tumbling across a deserted street, tossed helter and skelter by each gust of wind. Far better to have a Twelfth Night community burning party or, lacking that, cut the branches, bundle them neatly and place on the curb for collection.

If you are one who wearies of sweeping needles from the rug and floor for months after Christmas, try this when you take down your tree. Spread a large sheet around the tree, making sure one side is wider than your tree is high. After you have removed the trimmings, remove the tree from the holder and lower it gently onto the sheet. Fold the sheet up and over the tree and carry from the room. Prepare for final disposal as stated above.

You will find it a help to check all strings of lights before you store them. If you need new ones buy them when they are reduced for clearance.
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Place all ornaments in divided cartons to insure against breakage. If you run out of divided ones you can use egg cartons for the small ornaments. Wrap the larger ones in several layers of tissue and place carefully in a box, winding with rolls of tissue paper to keep them separated. Tinsel should be wrapped loosely around a piece of light cardboard to prevent crushing and slipped into a cellophane bag for protection from dust.

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