from the 1930’s…
WHICH of these “Mindl-Weaknesses” are keeping YOU from getting ahead? Does gnawing self-consciousness obstruct your every move? Does a “memory like a sieve” continually embarrass you? ls indecision the handicap that makes your superiors unwilling to trust you with anything but dull, routine work?
You know that MILLIONS of people let their minds condemn them to LIFETIMES of fear, worry, failure. Lives barren of culture, happiness, friendships. Lives burdened with boredom, debt, inferiority. Lives wholly devoid of LIFE!
But what of YOUR life? Is lack of initiative slowly forcing you to accept an existence like that? ls your failure to concentrate on your work resulting in a LACK of results? Do you fear that you will soon be joining the “9 out of 10” who never learned to MAKE the MOST of their MINDS?