Check out this nifty little bowling alley from the 1940’s. Complete with little wooden bowler & pins. PDF file, 20+ pages, instant download.

These easy-to-make Angel Wings are great for school plays, Halloween costumes, even dress-up. They could also be used as butterfly wings, fairy wings, bug wings. Receive more awesome vintage goodness in your in-box, subscribe to our free newsletter HERE. Material Verybest Crepe, 1 fold No. 100 White; 1 pc. No. 7 Flower Wire; paste; 1 pc….
Making Feather Wings Feather wings, such as Cupid wings and angel wings, are made on a foundation of wire bent in the correct shape, or if they are quite large, the foundation is made of cardboard reinforced with wire. When cardboard is used, cut inthe desired shape and then cut out the center, leaving a…
About this magazine: When Dennison stopped making it’s famous “Bogie Books”, it started it’s Hallowe’en Parties Magazine. Similar to the Bogie Books, it contains all sorts of ideas for Halloween – decorations, games, invitations…etc. Own your own Digital Edition of this Vintage Hallowe’en Magazine .PDF file – instant download. Table of Contents: A Hocus-Pocus Party –…
Vintage Mini Bowling Alley / game how to plans – wood working This is based off of an original plan from the 1940’s. Get the satisfaction of making a cherished game the entire family can enjoy! 20+ pages of info. I have taken hours upon hours to re-type the instructions so they are easily readable….
What little boy (and even little girl) would not enjoy playing with their very own toy crane or bulldozer? Made from easy to find and sturdy materials, these are bound to be a favorite toy for years if not generations! These vintage toy bulldozer plans and toy crane plans are from the 1950’s. Built of…
Making this Brickwork Pattern Afghan is a great way to use up fabric scraps. Alternately, I really like the suggestion made to use special fabrics – suits, dresses…etc. This could make a very nice memento for someone. For a practical, inexpensive, and pretty afghan we recommend this patchwork afghan in a brickwork pattern. It is…